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Auth Wrangling: Taming Microservices with the Adapter Pattern

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Software Engineering design patterns software architecture Software Development microservice design microservice architecture adapter pattern microservices authorization java code refactoring clean code gangs of four
 Priyak Dey
Priyak Dey
Code and Wander: Journeys in Code, Camera, and the Quest for Meaning

In software engineering, design patterns are essential tools that help us solve common design problems in a standardized way. One such powerful pattern is the Adapter Pattern.

abstract design showing charging adapters from which the design pattern gets it name from
Image by generated OpenArt

In this blog post, “Auth Wrangling: Taming Microservices with the Adapter Pattern”, we explore a real-world challenge that I encountered while integrating an organization-wide authorization service across 14-15 microservices. Initially, leveraging a common library for authorization seemed like a practical approach. However, frequent updates to the underlying auth library led to a maintenance nightmare, forcing us to modify each service repeatedly.

To address this issue, we turned to Adapter Pattern - a simple yet powerful design pattern that helped us abstract and encapsulate changes, ensuring our microservice remained robust and adaptable. This post provides a detailed account of the problem, our solution, and lessons learned

Ideal for developers looking to understand practical applications of design patterns in microservices architecture, this post also highlights the benefits of the Adapter Pattern and shares valuable insights from our experience. For me, this real-life example is one scenario where we understand the use and tradeoffs we make when we talk about and adapt clean code in our codebase.

The Problem

As with many organizations, we had an org-wide service that provided roles associated with a given username. While each service had its complexities, for this post, roles as a response to a username input will suffice to illustrate the problem. This legacy service exposed SOAP APIs for consumption by other applications. Our team was responsible for managing around 14-15 microservices, all of which needed user role information for data visibility purposes.

To streamline usage, handle API authentication/authorization, implement rate limiting, and manage caching strategies, the team provided a wrapper library for the underlying authorization service. To further simplify integration with these microservices, our team developed an additional library encapsulating the auth-wrapper library, adding all common and required functionalities, and making it easy for all microservices to consume. This also became useful for other teams in our project who could consume this library.

The auth-library provided models to represent the request/response. Different APIs had different models and helper functions. As I mentioned, it’s much more than a username and a list of roles.

As part of a larger initiative, the entire organization was moving towards more cloud-native designs. The auth team too upgraded their platform and provided a new version of the auth-wrapper library.

Our team started the initiative, and I began working on proofs of concept (POCs) to understand the required changes. We had documents from different platforms and integration teams, and I followed the guidelines for the upgrade.

Even though we were one of the first teams to adopt this new platform, we have details documentation from platform and arch teams.

Should be a piece of cake right? Hold my beer…!

humorous illustration of a frustrated man sitting in front of a computer, with his hands over his forehead, messy desk with documents scattered around and a beer bottle on the table.
Image by generated OpenArt

The issue arose when I tried to upgrade the auth-wrapper in the common jar. All hell broke loose. What was supposed to be a 2-hour job (mostly running pipelines) ended up taking a week.

The common library exposed the models from the auth-wrapper directly. Since the auth-library upgrade included breaking changes, our models changed completely:

  • Enums were replaced by strings and vice-versa.
  • Some fields were removed.
  • New fields were added.
  • Roles were replaced with other internal constructs used to derive roles.
  • Package names for classes changed.

The Real Problem

The immediate action I took was to ask the team to stop using the bad version we had in the artifactory, the one built with breaking changes. We were using timestamps as versions, so a major version upgrade for the common-lib was not an option.

Digging deep into the code, I realized two critical design issues:

  • The common library was exposing the underlying models from the auth-library.
  • The services, having no other option, were using these models directly.

With changes in model structure, package names, enums replaced by strings, etc., it was bound to break. The very reasons we created the common library—less work for upgrades, common functionalities, and control over the underlying library—were undermined by the design decision to expose and return models from the underlying library. Consequently, we ended up in the exact opposite situation.

To make things worse, since the library exposed the internals, few of the services started using the models directly in the code to perform auth logic, which not only breaks the build but the logic too.


Easy Way Out

The easy way out is to replace the old models with the new ones, fix the imports, make some changes in all the services(all 14 of them), and call it a day. This would still be 3-4 days of work. However, by the time the next upgrade comes around, I might not be here to handle it, the team might not be here, or the project might not exist at all!

But this was a chance, a chance to put some Clean Code and throw out the dirty laundry!

Time for some Clean Code

The problem arose from the fact, that we created a wrapper with functionalities used across the services, but we never wrapped the internals. The library directly exposed the internals and hence our implementations depended on it.

The first step, and the most difficult one, was to remove this dependency and create a proper wrapper. Once we solve this, solving the problems at the service end becomes much easier.

Like I said before, other than these changes, a couple of breaking business changes were done, which needed fixes in our common library logic, but that is not what we are discussing here.

The solution to this mess was to create Adapters for the internal models and expose those. This approach saves us from having to touch any services, other than simply updating them to use the new version of the common library.

UML for current solution
UML for current design. A lot details has been removed for brevity

Previously Enum was representing AccessLevel, and the Role class was a wrapper of two integers that represented some more business access(let’s call it X and Y). Each of these together and sometimes separately told us the data visibility of the user.

UML post upgrade
UML post upgrade. A lot details has been removed for brevity

Well, as we can see accessLevel has been renamed to role, which is not a string anymore. The roles have been bisected into two separate lists of X and Y, the combination of both used to define a Role. Now this logic needs to be handled at our end to make our code BAU..!

The answer to this is Adapter Pattern, which encapsulates and abstracts the internals of the underlying library, exposing a custom interface for all services to work with. This ensures that no service needs to ever change with any upgrades required in the future.

What is Adapter Pattern

According to the GoF (Gang of Four) book, also called wrapper pattern, the intent and motivation behind this pattern is:

Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.

Sometimes a toolkit class that’s designed for reuse isn’t reusable only because its interface doesn’t match the domain-specific interface an application requires.

In simple terms, we have an interface to work with (auth-library) that does not match the interface required by our services. To mitigate this issue, we create an Adapter. A classic example is the use of adapters to make your Mac’s USB-C ports work with USB ports, HDMI cables, etc., or phone charging adapters used to make a US-bought charger usable in EU sockets. The phone charger itself is called an adapter because it adapts the power from the source according to the requirements of your phone. Probably, the pattern gets its name from the same concept.

A good place to read more about it and refer to UML diagrams is this blog post by java-design-patterns by Ilkka Seppälä.

Back to the problem

Introducing a simple layer between the internals of the auth-library and the AuthManager completely decouples the services from the internal library.

No matter what changes come, changes in field names, changes in the semantics of fields, change in types of fields, etc in the Model from the auth-library, the only class we need to touch is the org.project.auth.Model class to change to adapt the incoming model to our needs.

This also ensures we stick to the Single Responsibility Principle, (well we still might need to change the AuthManager class, but that’s a business change and not a design change)

UML using adapter pattern
UML using adapter pattern. A lot details has been removed for brevity

Once we made this change and were happy with our tests for the common library, decoupling existing services to work with the new library was rather easy.


By implementing the Adapter Pattern, we were able to decouple our services from the underlying auth-library, making our system more robust and maintainable. This approach ensured that future changes to the auth-library would have minimal impact on our services, adhering to clean code principles and the Single Responsibility Principle. Adopting the Adapter Pattern proved to be a practical and effective solution to a complex problem, reinforcing the value of design patterns in software development.

There is an interesting rant about clean code and performance by Casey Muratori called “Clean” Code, Horrible Performance, which is a must-watch as it highlights the trade-offs between clean code and performance. On the other hand, Uncle Bob’s talks on Clean Code provides a strong case for maintaining clean, readable, extensible and maintainable code.

For me personally, like any other aspect of software design, it’s a tradeoff. Casey focuses on game development, where performance is critical, and maintainability and extensibility might be secondary. For enterprise applications, maintainability and extensibility is crucial, as things are constantly changing and evolving. Integrations may fall apart, new integrations are continuously added, and business requirements change every few sprints. Balancing clean code and performance depends on the context and specific needs of the project(we have all been there)!!

Balancing clean code and performance depends on the context and specific needs of the project.


Content License: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You are free to share this content as long as it is attributed to me, non-commercial in nature, and remains unaltered.

Code License: The code provided in this blog post is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use it in your projects and applications.

A copy of the same can be found here.